zones of house mice of genus Mus in Russia and neighbouring countries:
role of hybridisation in evolution of commensal taxa
V. Kotenkova
significance of hybridisation in the evolution
and diversification of commensal taxa of Mus musculus s. l. species
group is discussed. Allozyme analysis has shown that Trans-Caucasian
populations of commensal house mice possess an admixture of musculus and
domesticus genes. This region is either a zone of secondary contact
between musculus and domesticus, with very wide introgression of domesticus
genes into the genome of musculus, or these are relict populations
descended from non-differentiated forms with ancestral polymorphism. The main
feature of this zone is the unusually large extent of domesticus genes,
which occur throughout the entire Trans-Caucasus (about 350 000 km2). Data and observations favour the view suggest that
Trans-Caucasian house mouse populations are relicts of an early-differentiated
form of M. musculus, preserving much of the ancestral gene pool. The
second possible hypothesis is that populations of Trans-Caucasus are result of
hybridisation of ancient not finally differentiated forms of house mice. It is
possible that ancient “oriental” lineage and ancient form of musculus
were colonised the Trans-Caucasus and mixed in this territory. The Adjarian
populations would then be a product of contact between these forms and early of
fully differentiated M. domesticus from Turkey. Large zones of
hybridisation are present also in other regions of Asia. Analysis of hybrid
populations of house mice in Russia demonstrates the particular significance of
hybridisation in the evolution of commensal taxa. This enhanced role in
commensals is linked to their unique ability to expand their geographic ranges
through human agency and even survive as commensals in areas that are beyond
their physiological tolerance.
WORDS: hybridization, Mus musculus species group, commensalism, hybrid
Elena V. Kotenkova [kotenkova_elena@mail.ru], Institute of Ecology and Evolution RAS, Leninski prospect, 33, Moscow 119071, Russia
гибридизации домовых мышей рода Mus России и сопредельных территорий:
роль гибридизации в эволюции синантропных таксонов
РЕЗЮМЕ. Обсуждается значение гибридизации в эволюции и разнообразии синантропных домовых мышей группы видов Mus musculus s.l. Анализ аллозимов показал, что для популяций синантропных домовых мышей Закавказья характерно наличие генов как musculus, так и domesticus. В этом регионе находится либо зона вторичного контакта между musculus и domesticus с широкой интрогрессией генов domesticus в геном musculus, либо популяции Закавказья представляют собой реликтовые популяции до конца не дифференцированных предковых форм, сохранивших высокое генетическое разнообразие. Характерная черта этой зоны – относительно равномерное распределение генов domesticus по большой территории (около 350 000 км2). Ряд данных подтверждают точку зрения, согласно которой популяции Закавказья представляют собой реликтовую форму, близкую к Mus musculus, сохранившую предковый генетический пул. Вторая возможная гипотеза – популяции Закавказья представляют собой результат гибридизации древних до конца не дифференцированных форм домовых мышей. Возможно, Закавказье было колонизовано двумя формами: “oriental” и musculus, которые скрещивались в этом регионе. Популяции Аджарии, возможно, возникли в результате гибридизации этих форм и ранней уже дифференцированной формой domesticus из Турции. Большие по площади зоны гибридизации обнаружены в других регионах Азии. Анализ гибридных популяций домовых мышей России демонстрирует особую важность гибридизации в эволюции синантропных таксонов. Такая существенная роль гибридизации в эволюции синантропных таксонов домовых мышей объясняется их уникальной способностью расширять ареал, расселяясь с помощью человека, и даже выживать благодаря синантропному образу жизни в регионах, где их существование в природе невозможно из-за климатических условий.
КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: гибридизация, группа видов Mus musculus, синантропия, зоны гибридизации.
The process of speciation, the
significance of introgressive hybridisation in the evolution and
diversification of mammals are important problems of evolutionary theory. The Mus
musculus s.l. species group includes closely related taxa in different
stages of divergence: sympatric species (Mus musculus Linnaeus, 1758 –
M. spicilegus Peternyi; 1882; M. domesticus Schwarz & Schwarz,
1943 – M. macedonicus Petrov & Ruzic, 1983; M. domesticus – M.
spretus Lataste, 1883); parapatric taxa which hybridise in zones of their
contact (M. musculus – M. domesticus – M. castaneus Waterhouse, 1842)
and allopatric species (M. spicilegus – M. macedonicus – M. spretus)
(Thaler et al., 1981; Bonhomme et al. 1984, Boursot et al., 1993; Sage et al.,
1993). As a result the Mus musculus
s.l. has served as model group in studies of microevolution (Boursot et al.,
1993; Sage et al., 1993). In addition, this species group has been valuable in
studies concerning of precopulatory isolating mechanisms and their formation in
phylo- ant ontogenesis (Kotenkova & Naidenko, 1999). It was demonstrated
two large divergent groups in Mus musculus s.l. (Boursot et al., 1993;
Sage et al., 1993). The first ones includes commensal genetic groups: M.m.
musculus, M.m. domesticus, M.m. castaneus. One approach is to give them
subspecies status (Boursot et al., 1993). The alternative approach is to
classify all genetic groups as species: M. musculus, M. domesticus and M.
castaneus and after Sage et al. (1993) we consider these as distinct
species. One of the reasons of such classification consists of high
morphological and in part chromosomal polymorphism of M. musculus (Kotenkova,
2000, 2003). According to many authors M. musculus includes subspecies
well distinguished on the bases of external morphology, morphology of
chromosomes and cranial morphology (M.m. wagneri Eversmann, 1948,
M.m. raddei Kastchenko, 1910, M.m. musculus and some other –
Argiropulo, 1940; Vinogradov & Gromov, 1952; Lavrenchenko, 1994; Yakimenko et al., 2000). Commensal taxa of Mus
musculus s.l. species group hybridise in zones of their contacts. There is
a narrow 16-50 km wide zone of introgressive hybridisation between M.
musculus and M. domesticus in Central Europe, a well-studied
“tension zone” of secondary contact (Boursot et al., 1993; Sage et al., 1993).
Intensive systematic studies,
involving the investigation of allozyme variation and morphological analysis of
both genetically marked individuals and other museum specimens have revealed
three species of the genus Mus in the territory of the former Union of
Soviet Social Republics (USSR). One is commensal (Mus musculus), while
two are free-living (M. spicilegus and M. macedonicus)
(Mezhzherin & Kotenkova 1989, 1992; Frisman, et al., 1990). Some populations of house mice had high
levels of genetic polymorphism, sometimes extending across large zones (e.g.
Trans-Caucasus, Primorsky
territory, Tuva and Zabaikalie) (Mezhzherin et al., 1994, 1998; Yakimenko et al., 2000).
The aims of
this work are (i) evaluation of the interdependence of commensalism and
hybridisation in evolution of Mus musculus s.l. species group, (ii)
revision and discussion of origin of commensal Trans-Caucasian populations of
house mice possessing high levels of genetic variability.
Origin of
Trans-Caucasian populations of house mice
1. Protein
Allozyme analysis has shown that Trans-Caucasian
populations of commensal house mice possess an admixture of musculus and
domesticus genes (Mezhzherin & Kotenkova, 1989; Mezhzherin et al., 1998; Milishnikov et al., 1990). This region is either
a zone of secondary contact between musculus and domesticus, with
very wide introgression of domesticus genes into the genome of musculus
(Mezhzherin & Kotenkova, 1989; Frisman et al. 1990; Mezhzherin et al., 1994, 1998), or these are relict populations
descended from non-differentiated forms with ancestral polymorphism
(Milishnikov et al., 1990). The main feature of this zone is the unusually large
extent of domesticus genes, which occur throughout the entire
Trans-Caucasus (about 350 000 km2) (Mezhzherin et al., 1998).
Within the
last decade much progress has been made in the study of populations of the M.
musculus species group in India and Pakistan (Boursot et al., 1996; Din et
al. 1996). Populations of house mice from the northern
part of the Indian subcontinent are more heterozygous than samples from any
other regions. They also contain the majority of the alleles that exist in the
various differentiated species at the periphery of the wider geographic range
of the group. According to a neighbour-joining analysis using Nei’s genetic
distances, and a factorial correspondence analysis of allelic composition, the
Pakistanian and Indian populations occupy a genetically central position with
respect to the peripheral species. Boursot et al. (1996) and Din et al. (1996)
interpreted these results as a retention of ancestral genetic polymorphism and
identified northern India as possible cradle of this commensal species. Mus
musculus and M. domesticus lineages probably started to
differentiate a few hundred thousand years ago in isolated mountain areas, and
they may have colonised the peripheral parts of their ranges only recently. In
a related publication Orth et al. (1996) reiterated the view that the
Trans-Caucasian region is a zone of secondary contact between M. musculus and
M. domesticus. However, a hybrid origin of Trans-Caucasian populations
of house mice is doubtful in the light of some facts, which will be discussed
Trans-Caucasian populations of commensal house mice allozyme variation were
studied in whole by different investigators in more than 200 individuals
(Mezhzhein & Kotenkova, 1989, 1992; Mezhzherin et al., 1992; Milishnikov et
al., 1990, Frisman et al. 1990, Mezhzherin et al.,
1994, 1998; Orth et al. 1996). On the basis of these data geographic
distribution of “musculus” and “domesticus” genes in
Trans-Caucasian populations of commensal house mice were reconstructed (Fig.
1). Authors investigated different number of allozymes and these evaluations
can be modified in the case of other set of diagnostic loci for musculus
and domesticus, but it is possible to assume that gene distribution
presented in Fig.1 is adequate real situation. There are no good pronounced
genetic gradient suggesting introgression of domesticus genes from the
west to the east of Trans-Caucasus, but in south-western Georgia (Batumy,
Kobulety) house mice possess predominantly domesticus genotype. Populations
of Trans-Caucasus contain some alleles that are not found in peripheral
populations of M. musculus and M. domesticus. Allele Pgm-2120
was found only in Trans-Cacasus (Orth et al., 1996), Pakistan and Deli
populations (Din et al., 1996). According to Milishnikov et al. (1990, 1994)
and Rafiev (1990) in populations of Trans-Caucasus were found five alleles
(Got-180, Gsr 70,
Mod-2125, Np-185,
Pgd125), which were found also only
in population of M. musculus from Middle Asia with low frequency. In
whole different authors investigated allozyme variation (21-34 loci) in 12
samples (n=77) from Turkmenistan, 3 samples from Uzbekistan (n=44) and 2
samples (n=22) from Tajikistan (Frisman et al., 1990; Mezhzherin et al., 1992;
Milishnikov et al., 1994). Morphologically these mice were detected as Mus
musculus wagneri Eversmann, 1948. They were short-tailed; colour of back
was pale straw; colour of belly was pure white or whitish; border between
coloration of back and belly is distinct (Frisman et al., 1990; Mezhzherin et
al., 1992; Milishnikov et al., 1994). Alleles of diagnostic loci in house mice
of this territory correspond to M. musculus and mice from Middle Asia
were similar to those from European part of Russia (Frisman et al., 1990;
Mezhzherin et al., 1992). In two samples (n=5) from Turkmenistan Prager et al.
(1998) detected only B allele in Zfy-2, along with only musculus
mtDNA. Middle Asian populations showed high levels of genetic diversity
(Milishnokov et al., 1994) and authors considered this fact as presumably
related to their proximity to ancient centre of M. musculus origin. Some
localities from Turkmenistan were not far from the east and south east coast of
Caspian Sea. The presence of five alleles mentioned above in populations of
Trans-Caucasus and Middle Asia support the idea of common origin of house mice
of these territories. Boursot et al. (1996) suppose that M.m. musculus
(=M. musculus according to our terminology) originated in Trans-Caucasus
or east of the Caspian Sea. It is possible to suppose that the territory to the
east of Caspian Sea can be the cradle of this species and ancient form of musculus
could have colonised the Trans-Caucasus not only round the north (Boursot et
al., 1996), but also round the south cost of Caspian Sea. Probably the
“oriental” lineage (according to terminology of Boursot et al., 1996) colonised
Trans-Caucasus from north of India other routes than ancient form of musculus.
The presence in Trans-Caucasus praetextus-like phenotypes (see
below) and domesticus alleles of diagnostic loci supports this
sample from Kobulety (Adjaria) was the most numerous and includes 32 specimens
(Milishnikov et al., 1990; Rafiev, 1990). There was no found deficit of
heterozygotes in this locality. The correspondence between expected and real
frequency of heterozygotes of diagnostic loci were demonstrated in population
of Kobulety. The fact supports the evidence of genetic balance in this
2. Morphology
Presence of
at least two commensal forms of house mice
has been traditionally recognized in the Trans-Caucasian
region (Heptner, 1930; Argiropulo, 1940; Verestshagin, 1959; Shidlovski, 1947,
1958, 1976). They were the occidental dark-bellied mice M.m. formosovi
(Heptner, 1930) and oriental white-bellied form identified by many authors as M.m.
praetextus, M.m. bactrianus, M.m. tataricus. In this work we use M.d.
praetextus, because according to Marshall (1998) lectotype of M.
bactrianus Blyth, 1946, described from Kandagar, Afganistan, and holotype
of M.d. praetextus Brants, 1827 described from Syria do not differ and M.
bactrianus should now be considered as synonym of M.d. praetextus.
Revision of collections of genetically marked individuals and other museum
specimens (collections of zoological museums of Moscow, St Peterburg, Kiev and
others) confirms this concept in general, although the patterns of variability
of coloration and length of the tail have proven to be far more complicated
(Mezhzherin et al., 1994, 1998). Commensal populations of Trans-Caucasian house
mice were divided into three phenotypes (Mezhzherin et al., 1998): (i)
phenotype musculus – not large mice, coat color varies and can be gray,
reddish or brownish, tail is shorter than body, they are distributed in
northern parts of Caucasus and have diagnostic loci of musculus; (ii)
phenotype domesticus – large, long-tailed, very dark, sometimes
practically black mice with dark or black belly sometimes with albino sports,
they are distributed in moist subtropics of Adjaria, central Georgia, some
parts of Armenia and Dagestan; genotype is intermediate between musculus and
domesticus; (iii) phenotype praetextus – large, long-tailed,
white-bellied mice with light brown or
red back, they are distributed in steppe regions of central Azerbaijan,
genotype is intermediate between musculus and domesticus.
External morphology of the house mice from Azerbaijan not differs from those of
Syria (15 specimens from St Peterburg zoological museum and 2 genetically
investigated individuals, Mezhzherin et al., 1998). There are also intermediate
phenotypes in many localities of Trans-Caucasus.
Of all
Trans-Caucasian mice analyzed by electrophoresis, only some individuals from
Georgia demonstrated the occlusal surface of M1, in shape similar to
that of M. domesticus. The remainder of mice from the region shows
patterns usual for M.musculus. The populations of M.musculus from
the northern Caucasus demonstrate a pattern typical for this species
(Mezhzherin et al., 1998).
According to
multifactorial analysis of cranial morphology commensal populations of
Trans-Caucasus are similar to Mus musculus from European part of Russia (Lavrenchenko,
1994). Author investigated more than 700 individuals (M.m. musculus, M.m.
wagneri, M.m. raddei, M. domesticus, M.m. bactrianus, M.
spicilegus, M. macedonicus) of 32 samples from different localities of
Russia, Bulgaria, Afghanistan, Mongolia and Cuba.
3. Reproduction, exploratory and
sexual behavior in the light of concept of low fitness of hybrids
hybridization is considered as negative process because hybrids have genomic
disruption and as result lower fitness than either parental genotypes. The
European hybrid zone is considered a “tension zone” (Boursot et al., 1993; Sage
et al., 1993). The “tension zone” model develops from a balance between the
zone-widening effect of dispersal and the narrowing effect of negative
selection on heterozygotes. Evidence that negative selection might be acting
comes from increased loads of intestinal parasites in hybrids (Sage et al.,
1986; Moulina et al., 1991) and unique variants of nonmetric skeletal traits
from contact zone in Denmark (Schnell & Selander, 1981). According to our
preliminary data Trans-Caucasian house mice reproduce in laboratory and the
litter size is similar with litter size of M. musculus. There were no
found any indications of lower fitness in behavioral experiments. In pair
encounters (male and estrous female) on neutral territory Trans-Caucasian males
try to copulate with intra- and interspecific females (Trans-Caucasian females,
females of M. musculus and M. spicilegus) and were more active
than males of M. musculus and M. spicilegus (Potanskyi &
Kotenkova, 1992). In other experiment a comparative
analysis of exploratory behaviour in different commensal taxa of the Mus
musculus species group was conducted in a 4 x 4 x 1.5 m enclosure
(Kotenkova et al., 2003). The interior of the enclosure imitated a room with
table, chair, plants, shoes and some other objects. The
exploratory behaviour of the Trans-Caucasian house mice was more similar to
that of M. musculus there being two significant differences with M.
musculus from Moscow and only one difference with M. musculus from
the Kerch Peninsula. They differed significantly from M. domesticus in
four behavioral patterns. Previous experimental analysis of exploratory
behavior of commensal and free-living mice has demonstrated some differences in
patterns of exploratory behaviour, which closely correlate with ecology and
lifestyle of species (Kotenkova et al., 2003). If exploratory behavior in
commensal and outdoor mice is an adaptation to their living conditions, and the
Trans-Caucasian populations show similar patterns and strategy to differentiated
commensal species, we can suppose that these results support the idea that
Trans-Caucasian house mice are well adapted to commensal living
4. Are
Trans-Caucasian house mice hybrids or not?
In summary, a
hybrid origin of Trans-Caucasian populations of commensal house mice is
doubtful in the light of following facts.
1. There are
no clear genetic gradients suggesting introgression of domesticus genes
from the west to the east of Trans-Caucasus (Fig.1).
2.In all
populations of Trans-Caucasus (except southwestern Georgia) only “musculus”
type of Y – chromosome has been found (Orth et al., 1996).
Populations of Trans-Caucasus have allele (Pgm-2120)
that was not found in other populations of M. musculus and M.
domesticus except populations of Pakistan and Deli (Orth et al., 1996; Din
et al., 1996). Trans-Caucasian house mice have some alleles (Got-180,
Gsr 70, Mod-2125, Np-185, Pgd125),
that were found also only in populations of M. musculus from Middle Asia
with low frequency (Rafiev, 1990; Milishnikov et al., 1994). Only in
Trans-Caucasus were found two alleles (Sod-1130
in Ajaria and Me-1120 in Baku) that
were no found in populations of M. musculus and M. domesticus
(Milishnikov et al., 1990).
4. In
population of Kobulety there was no found deficit of heterozygotes. The
correspondence between expected and real frequency of heterozygotes of
diagnostic loci was demonstrated for this population (Rafiev, 1990).
5. According
to multifactorial analysis of cranial morphology commensal populations of
Trans-Caucasus (from Adjaria) are similar to M. musculus from European
part of Russia (Lavrenchenko, 1994).
6. There were
no found some facts supported lower fitness or lower fecundity of commensal
Trans-Caucasian house mice (Potanskyi
& Kotenkova, 1992; Kotenkova et al., 2003).
7. In a
comparative analysis of exploratory behaviour in eight populations of different
species and subspecies of house mice, the Trans-Caucasian population was
similar to populations of M.musculus
(Kotenkova et al., 2003).
These facts
favour the point of view that populations of Trans-Caucasus are relicts of an
early-differentiated form (presumably related to M. musculus),
preserving much of ancestral gene pool. The second possible hypothesis is that
populations of Trans-Caucasus are result of hybridisation of ancient not
finally differentiated forms of house
mice. May be ancient “oriental” lineage (according to terminology of Boursot et
al., 1996) and ancient form of musculus were colonised the
Trans-Caucasus and mixed in this territory. This hybrid complex can exist and has own evolutionary
development. The Adjarian population
would then be a product of contact between these forms and ancient or modern M.
domesticus from Turkey that was investigated by Gunduz et al. (2000).
According to Prager et al. (1998) and Gunduz et al. (2000) in Turkey and Iran
that adjacent with Trans-Caucasus domecticus and castaneus mtDNA
patterns are distributed. This model can only be considered a working
The following
facts support hybridisation of Trans-Caucasus house mice with one of the form M.
m. domesticus in Adjaria: only in this region “domesticus genotype”
(allozymes and mtDNA haplotypes) predominated (Mezhzherin et al., 1994, 1998;
Orth et al., 1996; Prager et al., 1998) and “domesticus type” of
Y-chromosome (Orth et al., 1996) was found; only in Adjaria were found mice
with the occlusal surface of M1, in shape
similar to that of M. domesticus. The remainder of mice from
Trans-Caucasus show patterns domesticus and musculus mtDNA
haplotypes followed more or less the allozymic transition (Orth et al., 1996)
and usual for M.musculus shape of M1 (Mezhzherin
et al., 1998).
Hybrid zones
of eastern Asia
Large zones of hybridisation are present also in Asia.
Genetic investigations of commensal house mice demonstrated large hybrid zones
in the south of Primorsky territory, Tuva and Zabaikalie (Frisman &
Korobitsyna, 1990; Frisman et al., 1990; Frisman, Korobitsyna & Yakimenko,
1990). According to Yakimenko et al. (2000) there are a minimum of three large
hybrid zones in Primorie, Priamurie and Sakhalin. Investigation of allozyme
variation, karyotypes and mt DNA support that M. musculus and M.
castaneus hybridise in these territories (Korobitsyna et al., 2000;
Yakimenko & Korobitsyna, 2000). In Primorie have been found alleles typical
for domesticus. In whole it was demonstrated that the taxa involved in
the formation of these hybrid zones are M. castaneus, M. domesticus and
various subspecies of M. musculus. The hybrid zone of Primorie is very
young, dating to the last 30-40 years of the 19thCentury at a time
when the territory of Primorie was settled by people from Priamurie; the
European part of Russia, Siberia and China. In Primorie house mice can not live
outside human houses, formation and structure of this hybrid zone was closely
connected with their transition by people.
Hybrid zones
and speciation
There are some different kinds of hybridisation in
commensal taxa of house mice.
1. A narrow 16-50 km wide zone of introgressive
hybridisation between M. musculus and M. domesticus in Central
Europe, a well-studied “tension zone” zone of secondary contact (Boursot et al,
1993; Sage et al., 1993).
2. Large zones of gene introgression in Asia between M.
castaneus, M. domesticus and various subspecies of M. musculus
(Frisman & Korobitsyna, 1990; Frisman et al., 1990; Frisman et al., 1990,
Yakimenko et al., 2000).
3. Hybrid origin of M.m. molossinus of Japanese
island (Yonekawa et al., 1988), according to Sage et al., (1993) this is
possible example of stabilized hybrid genome.
4. Hybrid origin of population at Lake Casitas,
California, intermediate between M. musculus and M. castaneus
(Orth et al., 1998).
5. Hybridisation of different commensal taxa in large
cities (Milishnikov et al., 1994; Milishnikov, 1994). Allozyme variation of
commensal mice in large cities (Brno, Moscow and Samarkand) was higher than in
other populations.
It is possible to predict different ways of evolution
in hybrid populations: stabilisation of hybrid genome, formation of premating
reproductive isolation arise between parental taxa because of reinforcement and
“dediffirentitiation” of closely related taxa. The analysis of different kinds
of hybridisation supports the hypothesis of “dediffirentitiation” (Mezhzherin
et al., 1994) and demonstrates that now this process really exists in commensal populations of house mice.
Analysis of hybrid populations of commensal house mice
demonstrates the particular significance of hybridisation in the evolution of
commensal taxa. This enhanced role in commensals is linked to their unique
ability to expand their geographic ranges through human agency and even survive
as commensals in areas that are beyond their physiological tolerance.
According to Golenishev & Malikov (2003)
hybridisation can be important factor of evolution not only in commensal, but
also in wildliving rodents.
I help Alexander Milishnikov for discussion the
problems of hybridisations in house mice and suggestions about manuscript. The
author’s research was supported by the Russian Foundation of Basic Research,
Grant 04-04-48412.
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to Fig.1.
1. Geographic distribution of “musculus”
and “domesticus” alleles in Trans-Caucasus.
I – “musculus”
alleles, II – “domesticus”
1 –
Viselkovskyi raion, Krasnodarskyi region, n=8 (Mezhzherin et al., 1992; 1998);
2 - city Groznyi, n=7 (Frisman et al.,
1990); 3 – coast of Sulak river,
Dagestan, n = 5 (Mezhzherin et al.,
1992, 1998); 4 – coast of Caspian Sea, Dagestan, n = 2 (Mezhzherin et al., 1998 ); 5 – city
Machachkala, Dagestan, n = 3 (Milishnikov et al., 1990; Rafiev, 1990); 6 –
willage Ismaili, Azerbaijan, n = 4
(Mezhzherin et al., 1998); 7 –
willage Eshindibi, Azerbaijan, n = 10
(Mezhzherin & Kotenkova, 1989; 1992; Mezhzherin et al., 1992, 1994, 1998) ;
8 – Azerbaijan, n = 5 (Mezhzherin et al., 1998); 9 – city Baku, Azerbaijan, n =
20 (Milishnikov et al., 1990; Rafiev, 1990);
10 – Apsheron, n = 6 (Frisman et al., 1990); 11 – Lenkoran region, Azerbaijan, n = 7
(Rafiev, 1990); 12 – Megri, Armenia, n = 13
(Orth et al., 1996); 13 – Armenia, n = 8 (Mezhzherin et al., 1998); 14 – Vashvalan, Georgia, n = 5 (Orth et al., 1996); 15 – Didich-Chiragui, Georgia, n = 4 (Orth et
al., 1996); 17 – Lagodehi, Georgia, n = 13 (Orth et al., 1996); 18 - Lissy,
Georgia, n = 4 (Orth et al., 1996); 19 –
city Tbilisy, Georgia, n = 4 (Orth et al., 1996); 20 – Gori, Georgia, n = 7
(Orth et al., 1996); 21 – Helvachaury, Georgia, n = 7 (Orth et al., 1996); 22 –
Botanical garden of Batumi, Adjaria, n = 12 (Mezhzherin & Kotenkova, 1989,
1992; Mezhzherin et al., 1994, 1998); 23
– Kobulety, Adjaria, n = 4 (Mezhzherin et al., 1998); 24 - Kobulety, Adjaria, n
= 32 (Rafiev, 1990); 25 – Gantiadi,
Abhazia, n = 7 (Orth et al., 1996).